Corporate Information

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Company Name Melstacorp PLC
Domicile and Legal Form of the Holding Company Public Limited Liability Company incorporated
and domiciled in Sri Lanka and listed on the
Colombo Stock Exchange
Registration No. PV 11755 PQ
Registered Office 110, Norris Canal Road, Colombo 10.
Sri Lanka
Tel : +94 11 5900300
Fax : +94 11 5900333
Web :
Board of Directors

Mr. D. H. S. Jayawardena – Chairman

Mr. C. R. Jansz – Deputy Chairman 

Mr. M. A. N. S. Perera – Managing Director

Mr. N. De S. Deva Aditya – Independent Non-Executive Director

Mr. K. J. Kahanda – Non-Executive Director

Dr. A. N. Balasuriya – Independent Non-Executive Director

Mr. D. Hasitha S. Jayawardena – Non-Independent Non-Executive Director

Ms. D. S. T. Jayawardena – Non-Independent Non-Executive Director

Mr. Damien Fernando – Executive Director

Mr. M. R. Mihular – Independent Non-Executive Director

Ms. V. J. Senaratne – (Alternate Director to Mr. N. De. S. Deva Aditya)

Company Secretary Corporate Services (Private) Limited
No. 216, De Saram Road,
Colombo 10. Sri Lanka.
Tel : +94 11 4605100
Fax : +94 11 4718220
Registrars Central Depository Systems (Private) Limited
Registrar Services and Corporate Actions Unit
No. 341/5, M & M Center, Kotte Road,
Rajagiriya. Sri Lanka.
Tel : +94 11 2356456
Fax : +94 11 2440396
Auditors KPMG (Chartered Accountants)
32A, Sir Mohamed Macan Marker Mawatha,
Colombo 03. Sri Lanka
Bankers Bank of Ceylon
Hatton National Bank PLC
Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC
Sampath Bank PLC
Credit Rating ‘AAA (lka)’ ; Outlook Stable by Fitch Ratings Lanka Limited